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OTS MEETING: Panel Discussion with Living Donors: 3 Living Organ Donors Share their Stories

The next virtual meeting of Organ Transplant Support will be held on Friday, March 3, 2023, starting at 7pm CST.    The topic of this meeting is:  A Panel Discussion with Living Donors: 3 Living Organ Donors Share Their Stories  We will have a panel discussion with both transplant recipients and living donors.   These donors will share their stories of why they volunteered to undergo surgery to donate an organ in order to help another person.      

The speakers on the panel for this meeting are as follows:

 John Hickey – Received a liver transplant in 2021.  His niece, Mary Hickey, volunteered to donate part of her liver to help her uncle.  Both John and Mary Hickey will speak about their transplant experiences.

Hannah Hester-Goralski  - Donated a kidney on March 14, 2019, starting a chain.  The next day her sister did the same.  They were inspired to donate after their brother donated a kidney to their father in 2011.  

Margaret Bello -  Donated part of her liver altruistically in March 2022.  Margaret donated her liver while she was a student in medical school. 

  If you know someone who needs either a kidney or a liver transplant, please encourage them to attend this important meeting.  This meeting will offer firsthand experiences of living organ donors, why they donated, the surgery and recovery, and any problems the donors experienced. 

This meeting is free and is open to the public. It will be held on Zoom, and we will send the login info the day before the meeting. 

Mark your calendar now to attend this important meeting on Friday, March 3, 2023, starting at 7pm. 

The Zoom login info for this OTS meeting is as follows:

Topic: OTS Educational Meeting

Time: Mar 3, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 814 9671 9287

Passcode: 123239

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Meeting ID: 814 9671 9287

Passcode: 123239

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February 3

OTS Meeting: Living with Kidney Disease & Prevention - Learn about Strive Health

March 11

OTS Mentor Training Workshop