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OTS Mentor Training Workshop


Transplant recipients are invited to become a mentor in the OTS Mentor Program. to help someone just starting on their transplant journey. We have scheduled a Mentor Training Workshop for all new mentors.

New Mentor Training Workshop

   When:  Sat. March 11, 2023

   Where:  on Zoom. You can join from anywhere.

  Time:      9:30am - 11:30am

  Who:     Anyone who is interested in becoming an OTS Mentor can join this workshop.

What is a Mentor?

An OTS Mentor provides one-on-one support for transplant recipients,

those waiting for a transplant and for caregivers. OTS mentors do not provide medical advice. 

Why Should I Become an OTS Mentor?

Mentoring is a way to give back and share the joys of a second chance at life with someone who is waiting for an organ transplant, adjusting to life after a transplant or is a caregiver for a transplant recipient. 

How can a Mentor Help?

No one should go through this journey alone. A mentor:

     Provides hope and understanding

·     Helps a mentee navigate the transplant process.

     Shares personal experiences.

Who can Become a Mentor?

Anyone who is at least 6 months post-transplant can become a mentor. Every OTS Mentor must participate in a Mentor Training Workshop before they can be matched with a mentee. 

How can I apply to Become a Mentor? 

Click the link below for the OTS Mentor form to Become an OTS Mentor.

Complete and submit the online signup form. 

You will be contacted within 48 hours about the next step to becoming an OTS Mentor.


The Zoom login info for this workshop is listed below: 

Topic: OTS Mentor Training Workshop

Time: Mar 11, 2023 09:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 896 2387 1622

Passcode: 283163

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Meeting ID: 896 2387 1622

Passcode: 283163

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