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OTS Meeting: Living with Kidney Disease & Prevention - Learn about Strive Health

You are invited to the next OTS meeting on Friday, February 3, 2023.  This meeting will be held on Zoom, starting at 7:00pm CST.   This meeting is the annual meeting for OTS where we hold the elections for all positions on the OTS Board of Directors.   The election will be held at the start of the meeting and then we will introduce our speaker.

The topic of the presentation will be:  Living Life with Kidney Disease and Prevention, Benefits and Challenges of Kidney Transplants.  Our speaker will be Dr. Sumair Akhtar, Chief Clinical Officer for Strive Health.  Dr. Akhtar is also a practicing primary care doctor in the Chicagoland area.   His career is focused on serving older adults with chronic and serious health challenges.  Dr. Akhtar trained in internal medicine and was a chief resident at Yale-New Haven Hospital.  

Strive Health is the nation’s leader in value-based kidney care.   Strive delivers compassionate kidney care the way it should be done, by a focus on high-touch care, prevention, and next generation dialysis services.   Dr. Akhtar will also give a brief overview of Strive Care 365, a program of Strive Health.  Strive Care 365 provides kidney patients with a Complete Care solution that treats the whole person through comprehensive, coordinated care services.  For more info about Strive go to

This OTS meeting is free and is open to all pre and post-transplant patients and their families.  The Zoom login info is listed below.

Please join us on Friday, February 3 for the OTS election and this important presentation. 

Topic: OTS Educational Meeting

Time: Feb 3, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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December 2


March 3

OTS MEETING: Panel Discussion with Living Donors: 3 Living Organ Donors Share their Stories