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You are invited to get together with your transplant friends for the OTS Holiday Party. This party will be held on Zoom so you can join from anywhere. This will be a casual evening with games, prizes, and lots of laughter. There will be a prize for the person who wears the ugliest holiday sweater to this party. We will play a word game called First Letter, Last Letter that is a fun, easy game to play with a group. We will have drawings throughout the party for gift cards, so everyone who attends the party will have several chances to win a prize. This is our gift from Organ Transplant Support to you!

This free party is open to any organ transplant recipients, caregiver or donor family member - whether you are new to OTS or a long-time member. Why not ask a friend, family member, nurse, or support team member to join this party to help celebrate the holiday season and have fun with other transplant recipients at the same time.

The Zoom login info will be posted on this website soon. Plan to get your favorite beverage, wear an ugly holiday sweater and join your friends on Friday, December 2 for the OTS Holiday Party.

November 11

OTS Meeting: Getting Ready for Open Enrollment: Answering Your Medicare Questions

February 3

OTS Meeting: Living with Kidney Disease & Prevention - Learn about Strive Health