The next virtual meeting of Organ Transplant Support will be held on Friday, April 2, 2021, starting at 7pm CST. The topic of this meeting is: Learning About Living-donor Liver Transplants. Our speaker for this meeting will be Mr. Casey Connor, MSW, LSW. He will be joined by a liver donor and her recipient who will both share their liver transplant story. Casey Connor is a social worker who works in the liver transplant department at the University of Chicago Medical Center. As a Liver Transplant Social Worker, one of his main roles is to provide psychosocial clinical assessment, intervention, evaluation, consultation and education to patients and families as part of comprehensive transplant services.
A living-donor liver transplant is a surgical procedure in which a portion of the liver from a healthy living person is removed and placed into someone whose liver is no longer working properly. The number of people waiting for a liver transplant greatly exceeds the number of available deceased-donor livers. Living-donor liver transplant offers an alternative. The University of Chicago Medical Center has been a pioneer in the development of liver transplant surgery using living donors. In 1989, the first successful living donor liver transplant was performed at the University of Chicago Medical Center: a parent gave part of her liver to her daughter. Last year, the University of Chicago Medical Center performed 4 living-donor liver transplants. More people interested in becoming living-donors are needed in order to save more lives.
This OTS meeting is free and is open to the public. If you know someone who needs a liver transplant please encourage them to attend this important meeting. This meeting will be held on Zoom, and we will send the login info the day before the meeting.
Mark your calendar now to attend this important meeting on Friday, April 2, 2021, starting at 7pm.
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