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30th Annual OTS Tree Dedication in Honor of Organ Donors

All organ transplant recipients, caregivers and donor families are invited to attend a special virtual event in Honor of All Organ and Tissue Donors. We will have speakers about organ and tissue donation, as well as a video of the planting of a tree by Organ Transplant Support at Naper Settlement in honor of the gift of life given by organ and tissue donors.  

 When:    Friday, May 7, 2021

Time;      7pm

Where:   on Zoom – You can join from anywhere

What:       Speakers on organ donation

                 Video of OTS Tree Planting at Naper Settlement

                 Tributes to the gift of life by organ donors

The following are invited to speak:

Dr. Harry Wilkins. - CEO of Gift of Hope

                 Cindy Abitua     -  Donor Mom

                 Rod McDonald  -  Lung Recipient


Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 988 6621 4605

Passcode: 588781

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Meeting ID: 988 6621 4605

Passcode: 588781

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-       The Zoom login info is listed above.   This is a free event organized by Organ Transplant Support and is open to the public. This event is a special way that we can honor the gift of life given by organ and tissue donors.

April 2

OTS Meeting: Learn about Living-donor Liver Transplants

June 4

OTS Meeting: A Virtual Chat with Friends