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OTS Meeting: Bill Coon - Heart Transplant Recipient, Author, Advocate

The next virtual OTS meeting will be held on Friday, March 5, 2021, starting at 7pm CST.  We are excited to announce a presentation by Bill Coon.  Bill is a 2-time heart transplant recipient, an author, an avid spokesperson for organ donation as well as a motivational speaker.   Bill will talk about his transplant journey and the ways that we can all be an advocate for our own health. 

In 1989, Bill Coon was born with a congenital heart defect. That year, he became the fourth infant heart transplant in the Midwest, and the eighth in the nation. At the age of twenty, his transplanted heart began to fail. Due to a lifetime of taking medication, his kidneys failed as well.  Thanks to the generosity of selflessness of a second donor,  Bill’s life was saved with a heart and kidney transplant on October 21, 2009. 
In 2017, Bill launched Keep Swimming Foundation. A nonprofit organization that aims to provide financial relief to the families of individuals facing long-term inpatient care. 

Bill’s personal experience and ability to overcome obstacles has enabled him to share remarks before the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, The American Heart Association, and many other well-respected organizations.

This OTS meeting is free and is open to all pre and post-transplant recipients.   We will send an email with the Zoom log-in information the day before the meeting.  Please mark your calendars for this important OTS meeting on Friday, March 5, 2021.


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February 5


April 2

OTS Meeting: Learn about Living-donor Liver Transplants