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The next virtual meeting of Organ Transplant Support will be held on Friday, Feb. 5, 2021, starting at 7:00pm CST.   Every year Organ Transplant Support holds an annual membership meeting, and this meeting will be held on Feb. 5, 2021. We will hold the elections for the OTS Board of Directors for 2021, and after the elections we will introduce our panel of speakers for the main presentation. The title of this presentation is:  Keys to Surviving 25+ Years Post Transplant -  A Patient Panel.   We will hear the personal stories of several transplant recipients who are all long-term survivors of more than 25 years.    We will hear from a heart transplant recipient who is 26 years post- transplant, a 28 year liver recipient, and 2 kidney recipients of more than 30 years each. 

Each of these transplant recipients will share the key factors that they believe have been important not just to survive with a transplant, but to thrive and enjoy their long lives.   We have challenged them to determine the most important factors, such as their family, their attitude,  even having a sense of humor, that are important in their lives.   They will also share any medical or insurance challenges they were faced with after so many years post-transplant.   We hope that these transplant recipients will inspire all of us as we look forward to  joining the 25 year transplant club in the future. 

This OTS meeting will be held on Zoom, and we will email the login info the day before the meeting.   All pre and post-transplant recipients and their families are invited to this meeting.   We hope that you can join us for this important OTS meeting on Friday, Feb. 5, 2021. 

Topic: OTS Educational Meeting

Time: Feb 5, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting: Copy Invita

Meeting ID: 910 6489 5779

January 15

Special OTS Meeting - FREEDOM-1 Clinical Tria

March 5

OTS Meeting: Bill Coon - Heart Transplant Recipient, Author, Advocate