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Special OTS Meeting - FREEDOM-1 Clinical Tria

A special virtual meeting of Organ Transplant Support will be held on Friday, January 15, 2021, starting at 7:00pm CST.  The speaker for this meeting will be Dr. Joseph Leventhal, the Chief of Organ Transplantation in the Department of Surgery at Northwestern Hospital.  Dr. Leventhal directs the kidney and pancreas transplant programs at Northwestern University, and he conducts research to develop cell based therapies for solid organ transplant recipients.   Dr. Leventhal will speak about a clinical study that Northwestern Memorial Hospital is part of called the FREEDOM-1 study.   

FREEDOM-1 is clinical phase 3 registration study of an investigational cell therapy called FCR001.  It will assess the safety, efficacy and overall benefit of FCR001 cell therapy to prevent rejection of a transplanted living donor kidney without the need for life-long anti-rejection drugs compared with standard anti-rejection drug treatment.  Dr. Leventhal will explain the details of the FREEDOM-1 study, and how this new therapy might be an important new step for kidney transplant patients across the country.  

The FREEDOM-1 study has been initiated at seven clinical Centers of Excellence in the United States.  Northwestern University is the only center in Illinois that is part of this study, and they are looking for study participants now.    If you plan to receive a kidney transplant from a living donor, you and your donor may be eligible to participate in this study.     

This OTS meeting will be held on Zoom videoconference system, starting at 7:00pm CST.  The log-in info for this meeting will be sent by email the day before the meeting, and it will also be posted on the OTS website ( This meeting is free and is open to the public.  

Please mark your calendars now to attend this important meeting on Friday, January 15, 2021.

The Zoom login information for this meeting on January 15 is listed below:

Topic: OTS Educational Meeting

Time: Jan 15, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) 

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Meeting ID: 963 9368 6618

Passcode: 054409

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Meeting ID: 963 9368 6618

Passcode: 054409

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December 4

OTS Virtual Holiday Party

February 5