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OTS Meeting: What Transplant Recipients Need to Know about Infectious Diseases

OTS announces a program on Friday, September 11, 2020 that offers important information for every transplant recipient, especially during this time of Covid-19. The speaker for this meeting will be Dr. Nozaina Aftab from the DuPage Medical Group. Dr. Aftab is a physician with a specialty in infectious diseases and travel medicine, and over 16 years of practice in medicine. She is also on the front lines of treating patients with the coronavirus in her practice.

Dr. Aftab will speak about infectious diseases for organ transplant recipients, what we need to know about infectious diseases and guidelines to keep us healthy. There are specific infectious diseases such as CMV that new transplant patients should be aware of because they can be transmitted from donor to recipient. There are many other infectious diseases that occur every year, and new diseases such as Covid-19. All organ recipients are at risk for infectious diseases because of our compromised immune systems, and Dr. Aftab will give us important information to keep us safe and protect our health.

This meeting will be held by Zoom videoconference system. The log-in info for this Zoom call will be sent by email the day before the OTS meeting. If you are interested in joining this Zoom meeting but you are not on the OTS email list that is not a problem. Just send your email address to OTS at this address: and you will be notified about the link for this Zoom meeting.

Mark your calendar NOW for this important OTS meeting on Friday, September 11, 2020.

August 7

OTS Meeting: Communicating with our Donor Families

October 2

OTS Meeting: Insurance Check Up & Check In