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OTS Meeting: Communicating with our Donor Families

Please join us for the OTS meeting on Friday, August 7, 2020, starting at 7pm.  This meeting will be held by Zoom videoconference call, and we will email the log-in information the day before the meeting.   The topic of this meeting will be a discussion about the communication between transplant recipients and their donor families.  We have invited several transplant recipients to share their stories of contact with their donor families, either by letter or by in person meeting.  They will talk about when they wrote the important first letter to their donor family,  when they received a response to their letter, and about any ongoing communication they have with their donor families.  

If you are thinking of writing to your donor family, or you have questions about writing that first letter, this is a perfect meeting for you.  You will be able to ask questions to other transplant recipients,  and we will have tips for communicating with your donor family.

Even though we can’t schedule in-person OTS meetings during this time of the pandemic, we want to continue to offer educational information for transplant recipients.  If it was difficult for you to travel to Downers Grove for the OTS meetings, then the Zoom meetings are perfect for you!  We hope to see you at this important meeting on Friday, August 7, 2020.     


April 3

Transplant Recipient & Donor Family Contact - Panel Discussion

September 11

OTS Meeting: What Transplant Recipients Need to Know about Infectious Diseases