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The Transplant Journeys of Donna Ramusack & Jaso

The next virtual OTS meeting will be held on Friday, August 6, 2021, starting at 7pm. CST. Our speakers for this meeting will be two transplant recipients who will share their inspiring transplant journeys. The speakers for this meeting will be Donna Ramusack, a heart transplant recipient, and Jason Enyeart, who received 4 transplants in 3 years.

Donna Ramusack received a heart transplant in 2004, after waiting only 5 days on the national list for a heart. Donna’s daughter Leslie also received a heart transplant four years earlier. Donna and Leslie are both nurses, and they enjoy talking to new transplant recipients to dispel their concerns about rejection and other issues.

Jason Enyeart has an unusual transplant story of multiple organ transplants and many medical issues. In a span of three years from 2016-2019 Jason received an islet cell transplant, a liver transplant and two pancreas transplants. Along the way he spent months in a hospital, he was told by one transplant center that he only had 90 days to live, and he found a new transplant center 4 hours away from his home.

Both Donna Ramusack and Jason Enyeart have learned how to be resilient despite difficult organ transplants and other medical issues. They will share the lessons they have learned about living a rewarding and fulfilling life with an organ transplant.

This OTS meeting is free and is open to all pre and post transplant recipients. The Zoom login info for this meeting is listed below. Please mark your calendars for this important OTS meeting on Friday, August 6, 2021.


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Passcode: 704118

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Meeting ID: 869 9076 0000

Passcode: 704118

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June 4

OTS Meeting: A Virtual Chat with Friends

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OTS Meeting: Get Ready for Open Enrollment - Answering Your Medicare Questions