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OTS Meeting: Get Ready for Open Enrollment - Answering Your Medicare Questions

The next OTS educational meeting will be held on Friday, October 1, 2021, starting at 7PM CST.  This meeting will be held on Zoom, and we will email the Zoom login info the day before the meeting. 

The topic of this meeting is:  Getting Ready for Open Enrollment:  Answering Your Medicare Questions.   The speaker for this meeting will be Sarah Razzo, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for organ transplant patients at Loyola Medical Center.

Medicare open enrollment is right around the corner! Which means it is a good time to review your plan and make sure it is still working for you. Medicare open enrollment starts October 15th and ends December 7th for changes to plan that go into effect in January 2022. This presentation will include a brief overview of the different Medicare parts and advantage plans, as well as drug plans and planning for the "donut hole".  

Sarah Razo is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She graduated from Loyola University with a Master’s in Social Work and a concentration in Mental Health and Gerontology. She has been working at Loyola University Medical Center with Heart Transplant and LVAD for the past 5 years, previously working in the aging field.   

This OTS meeting is free and is open to the public.  Please mark your calendars for this important presentation on Friday, October 1, 2021. 


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August 6

The Transplant Journeys of Donna Ramusack & Jaso

October 10

OTS 31st Anniversary Breakfast Brunch