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Resources for Seniors and Family Caregivers

On Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, after the election for the OTS Board of Directors OTS will have a presentation about the many different kinds of resources for seniors and caregivers of seniors.

The speaker for this meeting will be Colette Jordan, a Community Planner for AgeGuide - Northeastern Illinois. Colette is also a liver recipient and served on the OTS board for several years. AgeGuide is an agency that provides support services for seniors in DuPage County. The mission of AgeGuide is to develop and deliver a comprehensive system of home and community-based services and supports that is responsive to the needs and preferences of older adults and caregivers.

If you are a senior or you are concerned about an older member of your family, many times you might not even know who to call for help. This meeting will give you specific information about services that are available to help order adults and also the caregivers of seniors.

This meeting is free and is open to the public. Please join us for the important meeting and election on Friday, Feb. 7, 2020.

December 6

OTS Holiday Party

March 6