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Improving Health Through Mindfulness

OTS has planned a meeting on Friday, November 6, 2020 with important information that will help you improve your overall health.  This meeting will be held by Zoom videoconference.  The topic of this meeting is “Improving Health through Mindfulness”.   The speaker will be Ms. Tara B. Reen, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker at Rush University Medical Center in the Kidney and Liver Transplant Program.  Tara will discuss how improving our moment by moment awareness of our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations can assist in managing and improving our health.  We will also briefly review mindfulness based techniques to use in the management of chronic disease and caregiver stress.   This meeting is especially important for both transplant patients and caregivers.  We are all living in a time of great stress during this pandemic.  This OTS meeting will give you more tools to deal with this stress and anxiety through mindfulness.     

OTS welcomes Tara Reen as our speaker for this meeting on November 6.  Tara graduated from Loyola University Chicago with a master’s in social work with a Healthcare Concentration.  She recently completed a Contextual Behavior Therapy Fellowship at the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration and frequently employs behavioral approaches and mindfulness based techniques when working with patients.  Tara also holds a Certified Clinical Transplant Social Worker (CCTSW) credential from the Society of Transplant Social Work.  In addition to working with patients awaiting solid organ transplant, Tara has experience in living donation as well as working with patients with end stage heart failure being considered for mechanical circulatory support.  

This OTS meeting is free and is open to the public.  The login info for this Zoom meeting is listed below.   Please mark your calendars for this important OTS meeting on Friday, November 6, 2020

Topic: OTS Membership Meeting

Time: Nov 6, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 949 7337 0960

Passcode: 502254

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Meeting ID: 949 7337 0960

Passcode: 502254

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October 2

OTS Meeting: Insurance Check Up & Check In

December 4

OTS Virtual Holiday Party