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OTS Annual Meeting - CANCELLED

The OTS meeting on Friday, February 1, 2019 has been cancelled, due to the dangerous and extreme weather conditions in the Chicago area this week. The annual meeting and elections of the 2019 OTS Board of Directors will be rescheduled for Friday, March 1, 2019. Thank you for your understanding with this meeting cancellation.

The annual election of the Board of Directors for Organ Transplant Support, Inc. will be held on Friday, Feb. 1, 2019. There will be seven board positions elected as follows:

President …………………..Vice President

Treasurer……………………Recording Secretary

Registrar…………………… Communications Secretary


All paid members of Organ Transplant Support are invited to vote for the board of Directors. If you can’t attend the meeting of February 1, absentee ballots and proxies will be available after Tuesday, January 22, 2019.

Following the elections, we will break into small discussion groups based on the organ received for recipients and a caregiver group for family members. We will have a list of basic discussion questions for each group to help encourage honest and lively discussions. This is your chance to help other transplant recipients by sharing your transplant knowledge!

We invite all members of OTS to attend this important meeting so that you can vote for the Board of Directors, and then have fun in the small discussion groups. See you at this meeting on Friday, Feb. 1!

January 4


March 1

OTS Meeting & Elections - Speaker on Transplant Medications