The 30 Year History of OTS: Where Were You in 1990 & 1991?

The non-profit organization Organ Transplant Support, Inc.  was founded in 1990 by two kidney transplant recipients and their spouses in the western suburbs of Chicago.  In recognition of the 30th anniversary of OTS this year, we would like to look back at the first years of OTS with information from the OTS newsletters in 1991.    

Organ Transplant Support (OTS) was founded by Rose and Don LaRocco and Sally and Bill Phillips.  Both Don and Bill were kidney transplant recipients who were introduced to each other by their Naperville nephrologist, Dr. Osanloo. 

The first official meeting of Organ Transplant Support, Inc. was held on Friday, September 7, 1990 in the auditorium of Edward Hospital in Naperville.  

 The first annual OTS Tree Planting took place on April 28, 1991 at Naper Settlement in Naperville, Illinois.   Here is information about this event that was printed in the OTS newsletter in May 1991:

         “In recognition to the Illinois organ donors and their families for the sacrifice they have made in providing the “Gift of Life”, Organ Transplant Support, Inc. (OTS) is planting a tree as a living testimonial to their deed.  For those of us who have received the “Gift”, we hope that this testimonial will stand as a symbol of our eternal gratitude.  

          The tree ceremony will take place on April 28, 1991, at the Naper Settlement in Naperville, Illinois at 1:30PM.  It is our sincerest hope that this would become an annual event.  We further hope that this living tree will act as a reminder to everyone of the lives these donors have saved through their most generous and precious gift.”

The sentiments and hope expressed in the above words from the OTS newsletter in May 1991 are just as true and powerful in 2020 as they were in 1991.  The OTS “hope” in 1991 that this tree planting will become an annual event is self-evident by the fact that on April 28, 2019, we honored our organ donors and their families at the Tree Planting Dedication for the 29th time!  

In 2020 the OTS Tree Planting Dedication was canceled because of the Covid-19 pandemic.  We are planning to honor our organ donors and their families at the “30 plus 1”  OTS Tree Planting Dedication in  April 2021.       

OTS Anniversary Celebration

Every year since the very first OTS meeting in 1990 OTS has held an anniversary celebration in September. Currently we call this the Annual Anniversary Brunch, and  for many years it has been held on the second Sunday of September.  However, in 1991 this anniversary event was referred to initially as the “First Annual Dinner”.  This anniversary dinner was held at the Cross Creek Country Club in Naperville, Illinois on September 20, 1991.   This dinner was announced in the August 1991  OTS newsletter as follows:

        “OTS will have its first anniversary this September and we need to come together and celebrate.  It has been a great year.  We have all found new friends, learned to share our experiences and helped each other make the journey a little easier.  

         The dinner has been kept simple (an Italian buffet) in order to keep the price in everyone’s range, but the merriment and good fellowship will be extravagant.  We have yet to complete all our plans for the evening, but you can be assured of a great time and well worth the trip to Naperville.”  

In 2019, the 29th Annual Anniversary Brunch was held on September 8 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Lisle, Illinois.  

In 2020, OTS canceled the 30th Annual  Anniversary Brunch because of the Executive Order in Illinois against large gatherings during the pandemic.  However, just like the OTS Tree Planting event, we will celebrate the OTS “30 plus 1” Anniversary Brunch in September 2021.  The rich history and traditions of Organ Transplant Support will continue into the future!   

·      Submitted by Patti Scott, OTS Board Member.


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