My Transplant Story - Chad Ziesemer - 4 Time Kidney Recipient

Chad Ziesemer is now 44 years old, and he has been dealing with different medical problems for most of his life.  Chad has undergone over 30 surgeries starting with his first kidney transplant at the age of 7.    This amazing man is now living with his 4th kidney transplant, and he has a positive attitude about his life and the future.  He is in the process of writing a book about his transplant journey, titled: Live, Love and Never Look Back.  Here is Chad’s transplant story in his own words:

My life started out pretty normal, but as a toddler I was not able to walk correctly because of rickets.  I had my first surgery because of the rickets, and  then followed by ureterostomy surgery.  All of this led to my first kidney transplant at the age of 7.  I received my first transplant on February 4, 1984, and the kidney was a gift from my father.  I had that transplant for 5 and a half years before receiving my second kidney transplant July 5th, 1989, at the age of 12. 

My second kidney lasted for 18 and a half years which at the time was second  longest, now it’s 30 plus years for longest kidney transplant.  I ended up having 18 plus years with this Awesome Blessing until at the age of 30, on Sept 3rd, 2006 I received my third kidney transplant from a deceased donor who passed away from a motorcycle accident.  About six months before my third transplant I needed to go on dialysis for the first time.   

Once again life went on for almost 9 years when I started to reject again where I ended up back on dialysis for about another 4 to 6 months.  At the age of 39 I was again waiting for a kidney.   Several family members and friends were tested to donate a kidney.  They narrowed it down to two people, my sister again and my cousin.  On March 4, 2015 my cousin and I both went into surgeries for my fourth kidney transplant.  All of my transplant surgeries and other surgeries were performed at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, which is one of the best hospitals in Wisconsin in my opinion.  

I have been living with a kidney transplant or waiting for a new kidney most of my life.  For all those who are waiting for their second chance at life with a kidney transplant this is what I have learned from my four transplants.  My recommendation is to pray a lot, keep your head on straight and don’t panic. It is difficult enough going through the process. Don’t make it worse by worrying about every little problem. Every step does get easier believe it or not.  Just keep your mind focused on how awesome you’ll feel when you do get that transplant. And trust me if it’s your first or 4th IT IS A MIRACLE every time! Life is short Live your life, love your family, and don’t look back with regrets. Life goes by too fast as it is. Enjoy every second of everyday, breathe in breathe out and live. For all waiting on the list know your day will come trust in the system of doctors and nurses, coordinators, and pharmacists. No matter what hospital you’re at they are doing everything possible to get you back to life where you belong. And most important spread the word sick or heathy to register for the organ donor list.  Don’t be scared. just because you’re on the list it doesn’t mean you’re dying. It just means that when your time is up and you’re able to share that awesome gift for someone else it too will be appreciated!  Life is a journey not a destination. Enjoy the Dash! 

God Bless  

Robert “Chad” Ziesemer


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