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OTS MEETING: Special Program to Honor Organ & Tissue Donors

When: Friday, May 5, 2023

Time: 7pm

Where: On Zoom: You can join from Anywhere

In celebration of National Donate Life Month, all are invited to attend the 2023 Virtual OTS Tree Planting Ceremony & Dedication honoring organ and tissue donors, their families, as well as recipients, friends, and caregivers.

We will have speakers about organ donation, music and poetry to honor organ donors for their Gift of Life, and a video of the 2023 OTS tree planting dedication at Naper Settlement in Naperville. Speakers for this program are:

Ms. Kim McCullough, VP of Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network

Ms. Margaret Pearson, Regional Coordinator for the Illinois Secretary of State Office of Organ & Tissue Donation.

Shaun & Allyson Martin, Donor Parents

The OTS Tree Planting Ceremony & Dedication is a very special way that all transplant recipients can honor our organ donors for the Gift of Life. All transplant recipients and those waiting for a transplant as well as donor families are welcome to join this meeting. It is important to take time to honor and remember all those who donated organs so that we could have a second chance at life.

The Zoom login info for this meeting is listed below:

Topic: OTS Educational Meeting

Time: May 5, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 897 9908 4465

Passcode: 662274

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Meeting ID: 897 9908 4465

Passcode: 662274

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