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OTS MEETING: Nutrition is a Marathon, not a Sprint; How to Nourish your body Intuitively with Organ Transplantation.

The educational OTS meeting in August will be held on Friday, August 5, 2022, starting at 7pm CST.   This meeting will be held on the Zoom, videoconference system.

We are excited to announce a program on nutrition presented by Ms. Alyson Haebig, a registered dietician and nutritionist (RDN).  Ms. Haebig is a nutrition consultant in private practice in Chicago with a specialty in intuitive eating, medical nutrition therapy, eating disorder recovery, sports nutrition and more.   You can learn more about Alyson Haebig at her website (  

Ms. Haebig explained about her presentation on nutrition for Organ Transplant Support as follows: “As a registered dietitian dedicated to helping people develop a better relationship with food, I am very excited to have the opportunity to speak with you all about my favorite topics: Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size. More specifically - how to nourish your body intuitively with Organ Transplantation. Every day we receive urgent messages to "cut this out," "this is unhealthy," or advertisements to "lose weight fast." Despite these jarring messages, our bodies actually care way more about trends over months and years than any specific date, meal, or food. During my presentation, I will explain that while we get messages to “sprint” towards better health, we can actually maintain our wellbeing, quality of life, and sanity more when we consider the bigger picture or the “marathon.”

This OTS meeting is free and is open to the public.    We will post the login info for this meeting on the OTS website the day before the meeting.

We hope that you join us for this important meeting on Friday, August 5, 2022. 

July 8

OTS Meeting: Time for a Group Chat!

September 9

OTS MEETING: Liver Transplantation in 2022 - Emerging Trends - Speaker: Dr. Charlton, University of Chicago Liver Transplant Program Director -