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OTS Meeting: Learn about Transplant Genomics - Tools for Transplant Success

The next virtual meeting of Organ Transplant Support will be held on Friday, April 1, 2022, starting at 7pm CST.  This meeting will be held by Zoom videoconference.   We are excited to offer a program about Transplant Genomics, a leading medical diagnostics company.   The speakers for this program will be Dr. Timothy Cober, PharD, and Mr. Angel Arroyo, MSN, RN.  Dr. Cober and Mr. Arroyo will explain the tests that have been developed by Transplant Genomics to improve long-term transplant outcomes for kidney and liver transplant patients.  We will also hear from a kidney transplant recipient and her experience with OmniGraf.   This is exciting news for transplant patients that you won’t want to miss! 

Have you ever heard of silent rejection before? As an organ transplant recipient, you’ve been through quite a journey. And now at this point in your journey protecting and prolonging the life of your transplanted organ is key. Silent rejection, also known as subclinical acute rejection, or subAR, is the earliest form of rejection in kidney transplant recipients.

OmniGraf is a panel blood test that detects silent rejection and helps your doctor get the earliest and most accurate view about the health of your transplanted kidney without the pain of a biopsy. With the help of OmniGraf, your doctor can tell whether your kidney is healthy and well, or if it is at risk for silent rejection.

Protocols for the current standard of care for post-transplant monitoring typically rely on serial monitoring of immunosuppressive drug levels; serum or enzyme testing; painful, expensive, and invasive surveillance biopsies; and the clinical appearance of rejection symptoms, indicating early allograft rejection. These insensitive, late-trailing indicators of graft function may not appear until significant organ damage occurs, leaving clinicians and patients with fewer options to improve organ health before more severe complications occur.

Transplant Genomics aims to improve transplant outcomes through molecular diagnostics tests that detect early signs of kidney graft injury, differentiate among actionable causes, and enable optimization of therapy.    Transplant Genomics has developed tests  – OmniGraf, TruGraf, and TRAC –  which aid physicians with non-invasive monitoring to improve long-term transplant outcomes.  For more information about Transplant Genomics visit their website at:

This OTS meeting is open to all pre and post-transplant recipients and their families.   The Zoom login for this meeting is listed below..  We look forward to seeing you at this important Zoom meeting on Friday, April 1. 

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OTS Meeting: Oral Health. - Gateway to Your Complete Health

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OTS Tree Dedication & Program in Honor of Organ Donors