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OTS Meeting: The Emotional Challenges of Organ Transplantation: What you can Expect Before, During and Post-Transplant

The OTS meeting for November will be held on Friday, November 5, 2021,

Starting at 7PM CST.   This meeting will be held on Zoom, and the login info is listed below.

The topic of this meeting will be about the Emotional Challenges of Organ Transplantation, What to Expect Before, during and post-transplant.  Our speaker for this meeting will be Janet Aminoff, an Outpatient Transplant Social Worker, clinical lead at the Northwestern Medicine Kovler Organ Transplantation Center. 

Emotional ups and downs are common for anyone during the journey to receive an organ transplant.  It is a stressful time for the transplant patient, and for the entire family.  There are challenges for a patient during the difficult waiting time for an organ transplant, and after the transplant surgery.  Jamet Aminoff will talk about these challenges and share tips on how to cope with the roller coaster of emotions as a transplant patient.    This is an important topic for all transplant patients that you won’t want to miss! 

This OTS meeting is free and is open to the public.  All pre and post organ transplant patients and their families are invited to join this meeting.  There will be time after the presentation for questions or comments about the emotional challenges we all face as transplant patients. 

Zoom Login Info:

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Meeting ID: 824 8207 1819

Passcode: 335789

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Meeting ID: 824 8207 1819

Passcode: 335789

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October 10

OTS 31st Anniversary Breakfast Brunch

December 3