Time to Become a Member of OTS!
Thank you to all those who have already renewed your membership in OTS for 2023. It’s not too late to renew your membership, so that you do not miss news of any of the upcoming events that we have planned for the coming year.
To become a member or renew your membership in Organ Transplant Support you can mail a check to OTS or pay online by credit card. To renew by check please mail the membership form with a check for $20 to OTS (PO Box 471, Naperville, IL 60566). You can also renew online by clicking the button called BECOME A MEMBER on this OTS website.
Organ Transplant Support is your support group for education, encouragement, and friendship throughout all the years of your transplant. By becoming a paid member of Organ Transplant Support, you will receive the following:
· OTS newsletter by mail 6 times per year, for the latest information about organ transplant success.
· Anniversary card in the mail for your transplant anniversary. We want to celebrate your transplant anniversary with you!
· You will be able to meet many other transplant recipients for questions or shared advice.
· Special invitations to member only events.
If you have never become a member of OTS before, this is a great time to join OTS now. Organ Transplant Support is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization, and we count on membership dues and donations to fund all the OTS programs. Organ Transplant Support is open to anyone who wants to help provide support and education for organ transplant recipients and their families. If you are an organ transplant recipient, a family member, a donor family, if you are working in the transplant field, we encourage you to become a member of OTS. Thank you!