Support Organ Donation: Donate Life License Plate Frames for SALE!

  OTS has custom license plate frames for sale with donor awareness captions.  All frames are black with raised white lettering.  Only $10 per frame, plus $4.50 shipping. 

All can be ordered at the OTS website and paid for with a credit card.  Check out the OTS store at this websie to order. Just look for the OTS Store under the Get Involved Heading on the Home Page. 

There are several different captions available to choose.  You can choose a license plate frame that reads:   Transplantation Works (top of frame) and your choice of the following on the bottom of the frame:         Kidney recipient, Liver Recipient Lung Recipient and Kidney Pancreas Recipient.  Also available for sale:  Recycle Yourself/Be an Organ Donor, and An Organ Donor Saved My Life. 


Transplant Milestone: 1 Million Organ Transplants


2022 Transplant Games of America