Live, Love and Never Look Back by Chad Ziesmer

A life of 30 plus surgeries, four kidney transplants, and last rights given twice. Not ever knowing what healthy felt like until the age of twelve. How would you view life? Would you believe in God? There have been many ways in which I have observed my life. I would have never made it through the struggles without God. God is and always will be my foundation in life. I have been in the low valleys of illness and on top of the hills of health.  Without the valleys, you never know what you are made of. Life is what you make it out to be. It will never be perfect, however, knowing what I know now…. I will always remember to Live, Love, and Never Look Back.

Live, Love, and Never Look Back is how I live my life every day. There truly isn’t a way to look back or change the past. What you make of tomorrow is more important than any past mistake. My goal in writing this book was to get organ donation out front first of all.   The second reason was to help people going through the process of organ transplantation and help others know what to expect.   The third reason for writing this book is if I’m blessed enough to start a foundation for patients and families to help with the burden of finances. Ninety percent of all proceeds go to start the foundation. No one should have to go through this process with the burden of money to worry about. This is my goal to take that off their back so they can focus 100% of their energy into their family member or better half.   The book Live, Love, and Never Look Back is sold on Amazon now.   Just look for the name of Chad Ziesemer or Live, Love, and Never Look Back.    Thank you and if you have any questions please contact me at

God Bless Always

Chad Ziesemer


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