The 30 Year History of OTS ---- Update

In the July/August issue of  the OTS newsletter we printed an article titled:  The 30 Year History of OTS.   After the article was printed we learned of one incorrect statement about the OTS founders.  We want to print the correct information in this OTS newsletter.  

Organ Transplant Support was founded in 1990 by Don LaRocco and Bill Phillips.  We stated in the last newsletter that Don and Bill were both kidney transplant recipients.   That was not correct, because both Don LaRocco and Bill Phillips received a kidney and pancreas transplant.   Bill Phillips received a kidney/pancreas transplant in 1988 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Don LaRocco received a kidney/pancreas transplant in 1989 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  

  In the late 1980’s pancreas transplants were considered experimental and Medicare did not cover them.   The only hospital in the Chicago area that performed any pancreas transplants was the University of Chicago and they had done about 8 pancreas transplants in 1988.   By contrast, the University of Wisconsin-Madison had performed 42 pancreas transplants in 1988.   Don LaRocco chose to go to the University of Wisconsin-Madison for his transplants because this transplant center  had the most experience in successful kidney/pancreas transplants.  

More OTS History:

In the spring of 1990 the two couples, Don and Rose LaRocco and Bill and Sally Phillips decided to start a support group for organ transplant recipients.  The two couples held an informal meeting at the LaRocco’s home.  They all pitched in money to publish the first newsletter.  Bill Phillips volunteered to edit it and type this newsletter.  

  With the help of their local nephrologist, Dr. Osanloo, Don and Bill got in touch with other transplant recipients in the area and held an informal meeting at their home.  Sally and Rose made phone calls and invited a group of transplant recipients to the first meeting.  Out of 20 names, 14 people showed up. -  pretty good recruiting.  

After the first meeting Jim Stierwalt volunteered to take the position of President of this new organization.    Jim Stierwalt and Don LaRocco contacted  and physically visited the transplant centers in the Chicago area and several dialysis units.  They asked them to spread the word about this new support group for organ transplant patients.  They handed out the OTS newsletter, which was one page and double sided.  One transplant coordinator warned Don and Bill that most support groups last one year, maybe two.  OTS has continued for the past 30 YEARS, so we have definitely beaten the odds! 


How Organ Donors Save Lives - by Virginia J. Davis


Writing to the Family of Your Donor - Correspondence Guidelines