Transplants in 2019. - MORE TRANSPLANTS THAN EVER!

According to UNOS, the United Network for Organ Sharing,  the number of people across the country who chose to save a life through organ donation is higher than ever.   The number of organ transplants that were performed in 2019 are at an all-time high.  

Nearly 40,000 organ transplants -  7th consecutive record-breaking year! 

Nearly 7,400 living organ donor transplants, an all-time new record. 

National Data:

73,009 ………………. People are active waiting list candidates for a  life-saving organ  


39,717……………….  Number of Total Transplants

                                     January 2019 – December 2019 

1,644………………….  Number of Total Donors

                                      January 2019 – January 2020 


Transplant Data in Illinois:

Total transplants in Illinois during 2019 = 1,565

Number of living donor transplants in 2019 = 319  

Organ                Number of Transplants

Heart                                 176

Kidney                                910

Liver                                    323

Lung                                      96

Pancreas                                3

Multiple organs              _ 57___ 

       Total:                        1,565.  

  • Source:


PAN FOUNDATION: The Help You Need for Transplant Recipients


Happy 30th Anniversary OTS! 1990 - 2020