Transplant Games to Promote Organ Donation Awareness

Every two years, thousands of organ, cornea and tissue transplant recipients, living donors, donor families and their supporters gather for a multi-day sports and awareness festival to celebrate life and shine a light on the national need for more organ donation.  The next Donate Life Transplant Games is scheduled to take place July 17-22, 2020 in the Meadowlands, N.J. It is run by Transplant Life Foundation based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Organ Transplant recipients, bone marrow, corneal and tissue transplant recipients and living donors, and donor families (new in 2020) may compete in a variety of athletic and skill events. There are 3 competitive divisions- Division 1 for Solid Organ Transplant Recipients; Division 2 for Living Donors, Corneal & Tissue Transplant Recipients and Bone Marrow Recipients; Division 3 for Donor Families. Sports offered include swimming, track and field, virtual triathlon, cycling, golf, tennis, table tennis, pickleball, badminton, volleyball, basketball, bowling, darts, and corn hole and the skilled competitions are held for singing, dancing, poker and trivia.  Athletes may enter a total of five sports competitions during the Games, one sport for each day and compete for gold, silver and bronze medals in both individual and team events.  


But, the Transplant Games is so much more than just a sports competition.  It is an opportunity to meet others from all across the country who have experienced organ donation or transplant and promote organ donation.  The festival opens with a formal Opening Ceremony which includes a parade of State Teams, moving transplant-related stories, uplifting music, and surprise moments.  Another signature event is the Donor Tribute in which the sacrifice and gift of life of organ and tissue donors is solemnly acknowledged.  The festival ends with a rousing Closing Ceremony where outstanding athletic achievements like Athlete of the Year, the T. J. Maciak Award  and TGA team trophy are recognized.


To participate in the Games, prospective athletes must sign up with their local team. For Illinois, you can go to to register for the team. There is a modest administrative fee to join.  If you live in another state, please go to and press the team tab, then, the list tab.  You will find an alphabetical listing of state and regional teams with contact information. Once you have joined a team, you can go to to register for the Games. 2020 Competitor registration will range from $150-$190 depending on how soon you sign up; Non-competitor registration will range from $40-$60.  Registration dates have yet to be announced at the time of this submission.  Please note that recipient competitors must be at least 9 months post transplant, have their primary doctor sign off on a medical waiver that they are healthy enough to participate, and sign a personal waiver stating you meet all eligibility requirements.


Contributor’s Note:  

I participated in the Transplant Games of America in 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio and in 2018, in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I competed in women’ swimming and Team trivia events and was fortunate to win several gold and bronze medals.  But what was so great about both experiences was meeting so many others who share the experience of transplant and to be part of making a national statement for increased organ donation.  I am looking forward to returning to my former home state of New Jersey in July 2020 to help defend Team Illinois Gold medals in Trivia in 2016 & 2018.  I cordially invite all OTS members to get involved. See you in The Meadowlands!

Susan English, Past President OTS




Happy 30th Anniversary OTS! 1990 - 2020


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