The Caregiver’s Guidebook

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The Caregiver’s Guidebook by Barbara A. Stewart is your personal resource for successfully navigating life as a Caregiver. It is filled with information, lists, and a place for you to personalize your journey. This Guidebook will provide you with awareness, encouragement, comfort, and a voice, as you embrace the new you.

The Caregiver’s Guidebook was written by Barbara Stewart, who was a speaker at an OTS meeting last year about Caregiving 101, and she is one of the founding members of the Transplant Support Group of Northern Illinois. Barbara suddenly and unexpectedly became a Caregiver when her husband was diagnosed in 2013 with end stage liver failure, and throughout his recovery from a successful live donor transplant in 2016. Barbara labels herself as a Self-Taught Caregiver as she navigated the tasks that define this unsolicited title. A search for support, solutions, and guidance are the similarities Caregivers share despite the uniqueness of family dynamics and patient’s responses that define us. The purpose of Barbara’s Caregiver’s Guidebook is to not only provide you with her story, but to share worksheets and lists that will help you chronicle, organize and personalize your journey. Barbara wants you to nurture your loved one and yourself physically and emotionally as you navigate the healthcare system.

Books are Available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or hand signed copies direct from the author at


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