INTRODUCING: Organ Transplant Support New Mentor Program!

The purpose of the OTS Mentor Program is to provide one-on-one support to those on the transplant wait list, transplant recipients and caregivers.  The Mentor Program provides free, confidential, one-to-one support between someone successfully living with a transplant and someone who is waiting for a transplant or has recently received one.  

At Organ Transplant Support we believe that “No one should go through this alone.”, and trained transplant mentors can help others through the transplant journey. 

Transplant mentors can help with:

  • Providing support for kidney, liver, heart, lung or pancreas transplants

  • Providing support for the caregiver of a recent transplant recipient

  • Providing emotional support

  • Providing hope and understanding

  • Sharing personal experiences

The communication between a mentor and a mentee can be in the form of phone calls, email or visits as arranged by the participants.

You Can Become a Mentor!

Mentoring is a way that you can use your experience as a transplant recipient to give back to someone new to the transplant journey.  As a transplant recipient you can understand exactly what someone else is going through, from waiting and waiting for that special call to all the med adjustments after you receive the gift of life.   Become a mentor and you can make a real difference in the life of another person! 

How to Become a Mentor:

We are looking for mentors for this new program  before we offer this support service to all the Chicago transplant centers.  Any person who is at least 6 months post- transplant and is willing to attend a OTS Mentor Training Workshop can become a mentor.  OTS Mentors do not provide medical advice.  If any OTS member know someone who is new to the transplant journey and would like to talk to a mentor, please refer them to the OTS website (

To Become a Mentor:

  1.  Visit the OTS website: From the Home Page click on Mentor Program, then click on Become an OTS Mentor

  2. Fill out the online sign-up form. 


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